~ 22Sep2010 ~
at last.. alhamdulillah.. :)
haty bermunge² lately ni..hehee..tenkyu cyg coz be my bf.. i ♥ u...
~ 27Sep2010 ~
i can't sleep..ayg²..huhu..thanks for make me smile..sy hepy sejak kte berade dlm hubungn yg indah ini..sy mntk maaf sbb start declare sy belum jupe awk lagi..sy sbuk ngn keje tp sy x penah ade niat buruk skalipun..
hope awk fhm sy..sy xde pun pena lupe kt awk..awk skrg kekaseh sy,dgn keikhlasan kte same².. sy fhm awk.. awk fhm sy..sy jage awk,awk jage sy..diam² jtuh cnte,bersameee akhrnye..huhu..
sy x mnjanjikn kemewahan utk awk,ape yg boleh buat, sy akn cube yg terbaek utk buat awk heppy buat awk ketawe,buat awk rase bahagie dgn sy..sy akn cube yg terbaek k..sy syg awk..syg sgt..
inilah cinta kan..angau sudaaa..huhu.. i ♥ u...
♥ give me more loving than I've ever had,
♥ make me feel bettter when I'm feeling sad,
♥ tell me I'm special even though I know I'm not,
♥ make me feel good when I hurt so bad,
♥ I'm so glad I found u,
♥ give me more loving from the very start,
♥ piece me back together when I fall apart,
♥ teel me things u never even tell ur closest frends,
♥ you're the best than I've had,
♥ love being around you,
wahhh...romantik sguh both of u....soo shuweettt maaa...hope both of u epy together n will be married k...i like it... <3<3<3
wah!!! aku yg dok bace pon ati aku bbunge2..hehe..
epy utk kwn aku...
elee kowang neh..
da lame kot tak rase aty yg bermunge² ni..bertaon taon taw..hehehe..
maceh cayang wat sy hepy bahagie besame kamoo..
luv u co much.. ;)
alalala.. twitnye ayat2 die..
bahgia betul..
sgt shuke²..
hope cpt tawen ler... ehehe.. :)
da laaa qowang..taye malooo ni... ^___^
kenangan hanye tggl kenangan....
terime kaseh fazli yahya
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